After these
tragic experiences with Ahab, Jehoshaphat returned to Jerusalem. His alliance
with wicked Ahab did not go unrebuked. A prophet named Jehu stood in
Jehoshaphat’s presence and condemned him. Judah’s king was also informed that
Jehovah approved his efforts to
his land of Baalism. With renewed determination Jehoshaphat visited all of his
people from Beersheba in the south to Ephraim in the north encouraging them to
worship Jehovah. He set up a system of judges and courts throughout his kingdom
charging these officials to fear the Lord and not respect persons or accept
bribes. He also re-established the high court at the Temple in Jerusalem in
which the priests passed judgment on very serious matters which the Iesser
courts couId not handle (Deuteronomy 17:8-13).Amariah, the high priest, was in charge of the Temple court and all
of the matters of business that were associated with God’s House.[1]